The Adventures of Team P

Archive for October, 2009

Happy Halloween


Bella’s New Trick

What did Bella do to make Winnie so surprised?


Well there was a cookie in the cabinet…


But he doesn’t know how to open the doors.


Bella does, though.  She’s a genius!

Here’s a question for you

Super secret project

Gina got something in the mail today! Of course Winnie tried to bite it.


It’s fabric, all pre-cut in perfect little squares.  All ready to be transformed into a little project for someone special.  One of you!


Gina’s bad at cutting fabric up herself.  She is frightened of the rotary cutter and it’s hard to get the cuts straight. And this one has to be good!  If it turns out ugly, Gina’s gonna have to find a different Christmas present for this special person.

Fall Break

We work so hard in all our jobs and of course on our dissertations too.

So we were really ready for a long weekend – classes were canceled for Columbus Day and we went to the zoo. We haven’t been there for a year and a half! Lots of things are the same. Do you see any animals?

But they did put in a few new things. For example during the really long hike from Africa to North America (1:1 scale) they put in a geyser! Beat that Steffi and Dietmar!

And in the dome where the monkeys and meerkats and little tiny deer animal used to be, there is now an exhibit of African Violets. Psst! You wanna buy some gold watches?

And this here is just a nice flamingo with some feathers in his mouth.

A Great Quiz

What does this spider look like to you?